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Ocean Protection

15 mars 2025 - 20:28

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Océan Engagé, a game-changing conference

On October 28 at the Palais du Grand Large, a day of conferences will be held, and the general public are invited to find out more about the many issues related to the protection of the Ocean. Organized in partnership with Surfrider Foundation Europe, this unprecedented event will be an opportunity to bring together researchers, partners, athletes, and professionals who are all committed in their own way to the protection of marine biodiversity.

Océan Engagé – October 28, 2022
Grand Large Palace – Congress Center
1 Quai Duguay-Trouin, 35400 Saint-Malo

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Protection of the Ocean, a collective challenge! Simple gestures to preserve the Ocean

Everyone, in their own way, can act for the protection of the Ocean. It can start with simple everyday actions to limit your plastic consumption. Here, Surfrider Foundation Europe provides some tips to use throughout your day…

Adopt a responsible morning routine
Do away with disposables

Use products with as little packaging as possible and always choose reusable and refillable products instead of single-use ones. Replace disposable plastics with sustainable options like bamboo toothbrushes, rechargeable razors, reusable cotton swabs, or washable cloths and wipes. Most plastic packaging used for cosmetics cannot be recycled, and so opt for glass containers that can be reused.

Choose homemade

Instead of using liquid products in plastic containers, try making your own solid shampoo or face wash! Most hygiene products sold on the market can be made with a few ingredients found at home by following simple recipes.

Consume sustainably as soon as you wake up

For many people, the morning routine is not complete without a coffee or tea, which often leads to a lot of plastic waste. For coffee, use more sustainable methods like a cafetière. Coffee capsules are obviously not ideal, but if you still prefer this option, invest in reusable capsules that you can fill yourself with coffee beans. For tea lovers, replace the wrapped bags with loose leaf tea brewed in a metal tea ball. And support certified ethical producers committed to the environment.

Responsible travel, plastic-free
Makes memories and leave your pockets empty

While discovering the Saint-Malo landscape, you could be tempted to take some physical reminders of this great adventure. But are pebbles, sand, or shells essential souvenirs? It’s better to leave the beach ecosystem alone and make your own memories!

Find water at the source

Instead of single-use plastic bottles, think where you can access water. There are applications like Free Taps that help you to geolocate the nearest drinking water point!

Leave no trace

Thinking of camping? Make sure you leave the area as clean as it was when you arrived. And the small gesture of picking up any waste you may find will have a big impact. Nature will thank us.

Initiative Océane : Cleaning the beach of Saint Malo


Every year, Surfrider organizes the "Ocean Initiatives", an eco-citizen campaign to raise awareness of the problem of aquatic waste by organizing clean-up operations on beaches, lakes, rivers and the seabed at an international level.

As part of this campaign, Surfrider is organising an Ocean Initiative on the beach of L'Eventail, in Saint Malo, on November 1st 2022 from 3pm to 6pm.







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